Based on our experience and expertise we offer a variety of services.
- Analyses and assessments
- Political analysis, political economy analysis
- Stakeholder analysis
- Context assessment
- Conflict analysis, conflict sensitivity assessment
- Gender assessment
- Risk analysis
- Process Support
- Process design, in particular multi-layered processes
- Facilitation of large group events
- Multi-stakeholder mediation and dialog
- Process-sensitive expert inputs, briefings for experts
- Advice on consultations, participatory approaches, support for negotiations
- Organizational and network development
- Trauma-sensitive approaches
- Governance and constitutional advice
- Assessment of and advice on legal drafts, in particular constitutional drafts, legislation, peace agreements, outcome papers of dialog processes
- Assessments, advice and capacity-building on approaches related to good governance, access to justice, gender, human rights, state organization including on confederalism, federalism, and decentralization, power-sharing, accommodation of non-majority groups
- Development of reform options
- Support for the development of policies, government strategies, implementation measures
- Support for drafting of legal texts, including constitutional provisions
- Support of parliaments, parliamentary committees and parliament secretariats for legislative, oversight and outreach work
- Capacity building for politicians, government officials, civil society groups, development partners
- Project management and implementation support
- Needs and risk assessments
- Development of theories of change, identifying outcome indicators and forms of results-based management
- Program and project design and planning, project cycle management
- Monitoring and evaluation of strategies, programs and projects
- Conflict-sensitive project management
- Thematic and methodological back-stopping
- Mediation of conflicts within or between organizations, organizational development, team building
- Learning processes
- Design of learning processes focusing on individual, peer and institutional learning, learning within networks
- Facilitation of learning processes
- Expert inputs to learning processes
- Provision of trainings, capacity building, coaching
- Methodological support to facilitators, trainers, and experts
- Analysis and documentation of lessons and development of best practices
- Participatory development of guidance notes as learning processes
- Web-based tools and e-learning
- Organization of study visits to Switzerland (on behalf of PolitExchange)
- Policy-oriented studies and applied research
- Policy notes
- Guidance and how-to notes
- Background and briefing papers
- Case studies
- Option papers
- Research publications
- Speech writing
Clients and Partners
We support a broad range of clients with varying roles and functions:
- State agencies with legislative, executive, judicial and administrative functions
- Non-state participants, non-governmental organisations, think-tanks, civil society organisations
- Conflict parties
- Bilateral and multilateral donors
- International organisations
- Private business actors
We work with different partner organisations and experts to provide comprehensive, tailored services.