Dr. iur. Erika Schläppi
Expertise en Gouvernance et Droits humains
Phone +41 (0)79 430 13 39 • Email es@ximpulse.ch
Dr iur. Erika Schläppi est avocate et experte-conseil dans le domaine des droits de l’homme, des droits de la femme et de la gouvernance, en particulier dans les contextes de développement et de promotion de la paix. Ses connaissances découlent de différentes perspectives professionnelles, dont la recherche universitaire, les politiques gouvernementales internationales, le plaidoyer non gouvernemental et de nombreuses années de travail en tant que consultante.
Dr. Techn. Ursula König
Expertise en Médiation et Processus de transformation
Phone +41 (0)78 855 87 05 • Email uk@ximpulse.ch
Le Dr en sciences Ursula König est une consultante et une médiatrice indépendante. Ses services englobent un large éventail de méthodes constructives de transformation systémique de conflits établis et l’élaboration et le suivi de processus de changement s’adressant à de petits et grands groupes. Son expertise spécifique se concentre sur des processus complexes à multi-ayants droit, dans un environnement dynamique, politique et international. Elle est aussi active professionnellement auprès de TopikPro.
Dr. iur. Nicole Töpperwien
Expertise and Impulse for State Organisation
Phone +41 (0)31 332 95 62 • Email nt@ximpulse.ch
Le Dr en droit Nicole Töpperwien est une experte en divers aspects d’organisation d’Etat comme le fédéralisme, la décentralisation, le partage du pouvoir et l’inclusion de groupes non majoritaires, en particulier dans des contextes multiethniques et touchés par des conflits. Elle appuie des processus de réforme constitutionnelle, de paix et de gouvernance générale. Ses travaux académiques sur le constitutionalisme comparé et les questions de construction d’Etat lui ont permis de réaliser de nombreux mandats pour des gouvernements, des partis politiques, des organisations gouvernementales et non gouvernementales.
Depuis octobre 2018 Nicole Töpperwien est directrice à Soliswiss – Coopérative des Suisses à l’étranger (www.soliswiss.ch). Elle reste associée à Ximpulse et appuie l’équipe dans les questions stratégiques et comme soutien technique.
We enjoy our work – and working together!
Nos partenaires
Olena Krylova
Skype elena.krylova.mueller • Phone Switzerland +41 79 821 46 85
Ukraine +38 (68) 369 39 17 • Email lena.krylova@bluewin.ch
Olena Krylova has an MA in Governance and Development and is an expert on local governance, participatory development and citizen engagement, and decentralisation, particularly in the context of countries in transition. She specialises in governance issues in the former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries. She currently works as a part-time manager for the consultancy company DPI Development Partnership International GmbH (Bern, Switzerland).
Dr. Cordula Reimann
Phone +41 78 615 95 17 • Email cr@corechange.ch
www.corechange.ch, www.corechange-coaching.ch
Dr. Cordula Reimann works as mediator, facilitator, trainer, consultant, and lecturer in the areas of conflict sensitivity, intercultural communication, strategizing in conflict transformation, gender, trauma, and organizational development. Cordula has worked extensively in South Asia and the Middle East. Cordula founded the consultancy and training firm “core” and the coaching business “core change coaching” (specializing – among other topics – in trauma, conflict & communication, and aloneness/loneliness).
Eva Schmassmann
Phone + 41 79 105 83 97
Email eva.schmassmann@plattformagenda2030.ch
Eva Schmassmann has a strong background in human rights advocacy and sustainable development. During her career, she was working with various civil society organisations. She participated in the Rio+20 conference in 2012 and was a CSO representative in the official Swiss delegation in the 2015 Financing for Development conference in Addis Abeba and in the Summit for sustainable develoment in New York.
Kelly Jane Bishop
Email kelly.jane.bishop@gmail.com
Kelly Jane Bishop has a Master’s Degree in Law and is a PhD student at the Institute for Public Law, University of Berne. She is also a research fellow at the Thematic Cluster Police and Justice at the Swiss Centre of Expertise in Human Rights (SCHR). She supports the Ximpulse team on various projects relating to human rights, acess to justice and participation.
Dr. phil. Simone Prodolliet
Phone + 41 79 788 80 83 • Email simone.prodolliet@bluewin.ch
Simone Prodolliet holds a PhD in Social Anthropology. She worked for almost ten years for a nation-wide operating NGO in Switzerland before she became Managing Director of the Federal Commission on Migration in 2003. Since 2021 she is retired and works as a freelancer for different mandates in the field of migration, integration and human rights.
Dr. iur. Vijitha Fernandes-Veerakatty
Email vv@ximpulse.ch
Vijitha Fernandes-Veerakatty is an Attorney at Law and holds a PhD in international humanitarian law and a CAS in Peacebuilding. She is a legal advisor at the Federal Office of Justice in the field of European law and Schengen/Dublin. She joined Ximpluse as a consultant in April 2022, providing a wide range of expertise, from local governance and federalism to international human rights protection and peacebuilding.
CV Dr. iur. Vijitha Fernandes-Veerakatty
Barbara Weyermann
Phone +41 79 910 7467 • Email barbara.weyermann@gmail.com
Barbara Weyermann is an expert consultant on women’s rights, gender equality programming and the prevention of and protection from gender-based violence. A second area of her expertise is in trauma sensitive programming and mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS). In addition, she has worked for many years on all aspects of labour migration, mainly between Asia and the Middle East.
Dr. Nora Refaeil
Phone +41 79 592 86 68 • Email • nora.refaeil@gmail.com
Dr. Nora Refaeil mediates in complex conflicts, designs and facilitates change and organizational development processes and works as a coach and trainer in Switzerland and internationally. A specific focus of her work contains systems change from an equity perspective. As an expert on dealing with the past and reconciliation, she advises governments, institutions, and civil society on a wide range of topics such as truth-telling, accountability, gender justice, reparations, institutional reform, and reconciliation. Nora Refaeil teaches at the Universities of Basel (Dealing with the Past and Reconciliation) and Bern (Academic Leadership, Conflict Management and Communication) and at various other institutions (e.g. Effective Advising in Complex Contexts, Interpeace). Nora is a Senior Associate for Interpeace Advisory Team (IPAT) in Geneva, and Vice-President of the National Commission against Racism elected by the Federal Council. Nora Refaeil is a lawyer and holds a doctorate from the University of Basel and an LL.M. from Columbia University in NY. Nora is also a partner at TopikPro.